The Western Racine County Targeted Development Study focuses on development opportunities in Racine County for communities west of I-94. The findings and recommendations of this project are intended to assist several of the western communities within the County in capitalizing on the positive impacts of Foxconn and its supplier companies, including impact on public services, new residential and mixed-use development opportunities, increased land values, and transportation.
The project consists of two phases:
PHASE 1 (current phase): Target Area Opportunity Identification and Analysis
PHASE 2:Â Target Area Refinement and Draft Economic/Impact Analysis
This State of the Area Report summarizes the analysis of existing conditions within the study area, including demographics, housing, land use, development patterns, transportation, environmental amenities, community services, and infrastructure systems. The Report highlights key findings of the team’s analysis and sets the stage for examining and evaluating the feasibility of strategic development sites within the area, as well as needed implementation actions to ensure managed and well-planned growth. It will provide guidance for communities to promote high- quality development and preserve their community character which makes them so unique. As a reference, the first phase of this project for the eastern portion of Racine County has been completed and the report can be found on RCEDC’s website: racine-county-targeted-development-study.
Beginning in February 2019, the multi-jurisdictional project team analyzed data, engaged in multiple conversations with communities, and created a framework that identifies key areas with the highest potential for development.