Talent Recruitment

Top 10 Best Practices for Recruiting

As a group of 18 institutions, HERA represents more than 140,000 students across southeastern Wisconsin who are key to driving our economy forward. However, finding and recruiting talent can be a challenge. To combat this, HERA established the Best Practices for Recruiting to share creative ideas on how employers can collaborate with and recruit from our region’s universities and colleges.

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(Re)Connecting Talent in Racine County

Business leaders need to think differently about current talent needs and creatively structure their recruitment efforts to meet the job market. Options included engaging with talent that have taken breaks from the job market and seniors and retirees seeking ways to stay connected.

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Winning the War for Talent with Chris Czarnik

The 2021 GRC Virtual Talent Summit will feature a keynote speaker plus three optional breakout sessions, which will all be recorded and delivered after the event. There will also be an interactive networking session at the beginning and a dynamic recap with exciting opportunities at the end.

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2021 Greater Racine County Virtual Talent Summit

The 2021 GRC Virtual Talent Summit will feature a keynote speaker plus three optional breakout sessions, which will all be recorded and delivered after the event. There will also be an interactive networking session at the beginning and a dynamic recap with exciting opportunities at the end.

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Greater Racine County Talent Recruitment Reaches Target Audiences

Racine County businesses are expanding, business parks are bustling with newly constructed speculative buildings, and the Wisconn Valley Science and Technology Park construction is underway. To meet the current and future talent needs of local businesses, the Racine County Economic Development Corporation (RCEDC) launched a new talent recruitment program. This new talent recruitment effort is intended to complement existing workforce resources available in Racine County.

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