Business Expansion

Beers & Business in Burlington

Planning to start and grow your business is difficult. Understanding how to access and navigate the resources needed to succeed can be daunting. Don’t do it alone! Join RCEDC as we host this business networking event, where local business owners share their stories about how they navigated the path to success. The event is limited to 50 people.

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Dan Gallagher’s MyBread Bakery Featured on TMJ4’s ‘The Morning Blend’

Dan Gallagher started Mybread Bakery with a mission to provide gluten-free breads that are safe for those with food allergies, but not compromise taste or quality. Three years later, Gallagher relocated from Chicago to Racine – with help from the Racine County Economic Development Corporation – and expanded operations by renting a larger space, purchasing better machinery, and hiring additional employees.

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