BizStarts Mentors

Looking to Become a Mentor?

The BizStarts mentor program consists of seasoned volunteers from the corporate and entrepreneur community. Learn more and apply below to help entrepreneurs succeed!

Our mentor relationships are unique in that they are skill specific. BizStarts taps our mentors’ expertise to support entrepreneurs and founders by focusing on overcoming the next and most important challenge their business faces. Mentors opt-in based on their experience in areas relevant to the needs of new entrepreneurs and for their enthusiasm for the program.

To apply to join the BizStarts Mentor Program, please fill out the application below and follow the prompts. After completing the submission, an RCEDC representative will follow-up with you about your interest in the BizStarts Mentor Program and conclude your application process.

BizStarts Mentors Questionnaire

BizStarts Mentors FAQs

To apply to join the BizStarts Mentor Program, please fill out the application above and follow the prompts. After completing the submission, someone from BizStarts will follow-up with you about your interest in the BizStarts Mentor Program and conclude your application process.

What is BizStarts Racine?
A yearlong program targeted to assist existing and aspiring entrepreneurs develop the skills to establish and grow their businesses. The program includes 6 weeks of training followed by 6 months of one-on-one mentoring, and consulting support from college students. 
What role do mentors play in the BizStarts Racine program?
  • • Mentors serve as advisors to BizStarts Racine participants.
  • • Mentors offer guidance, provide advice on specific problem areas, and connect program participants with resources and where appropriate make connections to wider business and community networks.
  • • Mentors are not expected to know all the answers.
  • • Mentors do not “do”; rather Mentors provide frank, unbiased, and constructive advice, guidance, consultation, and support to program participants.
What is the time commitment for Mentors?
Mentors meet with their assigned mentee for 1 hour every other week for a minimum of 2 hours each month. Mentoring will take place over 6 months. Mentoring begins the week of October 21, 2024. Every mentoring relationship is unique with some relationships resulting in more frequent meetings. Meetings can be held in-person or virtually.
Who should consider becoming a BizStarts Mentor?
  • Entrepreneurs and business leaders with experience in launching, developing or running a business. 
  • • Business owners and individuals with specialized business skills, such as finance, operations, marketing, and more. 
  • • Individuals interested in giving back and helping others establish and grow their business idea. 
What is expected of BizStarts Mentors?
  • • Mentors will meet with their assigned mentee for a minimum of 2 hours a month.
    The mentor and mentee will work together to define where support and guidance is needed, developing goals and action plans.
  • • The book “80 Steps to Sustainable Success” will help guide conversations and establish priorities for the program participant. A copy will be provided to mentors and program participants.
  • • Mentors are patient and encouraging, often being a cheerleader for the program participants in achieving their goals. Mentors and program staff are not in the “idea killing” business, rather the focus is on supporting the program participants in adapting their ideas.
What type of training and support is provided to BizStarts Mentors?
  • • Mentors will participate in a training workshop prior to starting their mentoring assignment.
  • • Mentors are provided with tools to help guide initial discussions and set priorities, including receiving a copy of “80 Steps to Sustainable Success.”
  • • RCEDC will communicate with Mentors on a monthly basis to track progress and gain feedback on the mentoring relationship.
How are mentors paired with program participants?
At the completion of the 6-week training program, each program participant completes a bio providing details about their background, business idea, and areas of need. Mentors also complete a detailed profile noting areas of skills and expertise. The profiles of each group are used to pair mentors with program participants.
What happens if the mentoring relationship is not a fit for either the mentor or program participant?
After 4-5 weeks of the engagement, if the mentor or the business feels that the relationship is not working or making adequate progress, the relationship is terminated. Where possible, both the business and the Mentor are reassigned.
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