Racine County Economic Development Corporation — The purpose of this program is to assist businesses negatively impacted by COVID 19 and support business retention until the economy stabilizes. Businesses must demonstrate they do not qualify for existing State or Federal programs; are in immediate need of funding until those programs become available; or that they are unable to obtain financing at reasonable rates and terms.
Racine County, WI
For-profit businesses located in Racine County.
Expedited review and disbursement processes have been created to accommodate immediate cash needs.
- Working capital term loans for monthly working capital needs, including monthly debt payments where deferrals are not an option.
- Other uses as deemed appropriate, i.e. FF&E, leasehold improvements, professional fees, etc.
- Bridge loans until other assistance is available; document applications to other programs.
- Cannot substitute loans/grants that applicant might otherwise qualify for under the COVID 19 programs but could act as bridge funding until those programs are available or offer loans at more reasonable rates and terms.
- Reimbursement for expenditures made prior to March 1, 2020
- Speculative investment companies
- Lending institutions
- Gambling operations
- Non-public recreation facilities
- Other businesses not serving the interests of Racine County
Please send completed applications to andrea@blp504.org.